Praise Fellowship Church

602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927 | (507) 374-6400

Unveiled Faces

We are to have unveiled faces to reflect the glory of the Lord. See what it takes to have an unveiled face and how it is that there may still be a veil in which people are still not seeing the glory of the Lord in us or through us.

The Puzzle – Pastor Maleca Walters

All are a part of the body of Christ, the church. Each part is like a piece of a puzzle that fits with all the other parts to make a complete picture.

God’s Glory Unveiled

God unveils his Glory at Moses’s request and it is all about His Character. This is the glory that we are to see and reflect to others

The Great Unveiling

The Great Unveiling is so that we can see and reflect the Glory of the Lord. We are changed by experiencing God’s Presence.

Assimilation Service – Israel and Maleca Walters

This is the service where we assimilate Pastors Israel and Maleca Walters as Ministers assisting our church congregation in Pastoral Ministry.

Let’s Go – Playing Offensively

When we respond to the directive of Jesus, “Therefore go,” with “Let’s Go!!”, we are to execute the plays with the intent of advancing the kingdom of God and overcoming the lies and deceptions of those following the father of all lies with truth. We are humans, but we fight spiritual battles. We must remember who the enemy is and source of all lies that motivate the opposing forces against us.

Huddles and Plays

In this message we see Biblical examples of the followers of Jesus, gathering for instruction and then being sent out to do the work of the Lord. Then they gather together again to rejoice in the Lord’s work done and to again be filled with the Spirit (the Performance Enhancing Empowerment)

Let’s Go! – The Huddle

“Let’s Go!” is a response to the directive of Jesus, “…Therefore, go.” As any team plans the strategy of each play, they first huddle up for instructions and for encouragement. The gathering of the church body is really like a huddle, preparing us to go out and play to win!

  • Contact Us

    P.O. Box 71, 602 Central Ave. South, Dodge Center, MN 55927

    (507) 374-6400 |